InstaPsychic - Reiki and Clairvoyance in Meschede
Chat with InstaPsychic - Reiki and Clairvoyance in Meschede online. 10-15 years of experience in Clairvoyance. Hello, welcome to my bio, thank you for visiting. If you haven't already, after you finish here, make sure to check out my testimonials. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ABOUT ME AND HOW I WORK My name is John. I’m a naturally gifted energy reader, clairvoyant, advisor, and spiritual healer. READINGS I’m able to accurately read your energy / aura remotely, the physical distance between us doesn’t matter, as it’s all done on a spiritual level. The things I see in your reading are revealed to me in a combination of mental images, visions, and feelings. Many people refer to these feelings as a psychics intuition. Many people think that their energy only tells mood, or emotions, but it’s so much more! Everything in the universe contains energy, even physical mass. All things are connected through energy. Past memories, future events, the people you know, are all connected through energy. Some of it is “readable” to people like me. I connect without using any tools, no tarot, no crystal balls, or pendulums. I don’t speak to angels or guides when I’m working, this means when I’m reading for you, it’s just you and me, no third parties involved, spiritual or otherwise. Come see me in private chat for accurate, honest insight into your situation! WHAT MY READINGS COVER: I specialize in all areas of love: - Marriage - Divorce - Cheating - Dating - Break ups - Online relationships - Love advice I’m also able to answer questions about the following subjects: - Business - Finances - Friends - Family ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ AURA CLEANSING Weather you believe it or not, there is such a thing as “negative” energy. It can accumulate around a person overtime due to stress, worry, negative experiences in the past, poor diet, and many other ways. This negative energy is sometimes referred to as “bad luck” or a “curse”. It may feel like there’s a dark cloud following you around. It may feel like there’s something preventing you from moving forward in your love-life or career. I offer a solution to this problem. I use crystals, blessed candles, meditation, prayer and spiritual rituals to remotely cleanse your aura / energy and to help you move forward in your life, allowing positivity to flow into you, and removing negative energy. I can also provide this cleansing to someone who is connected to you, such as a loved one. Please keep the following in mind, the longer I am given to perform the cleansing the more effective it will be. Imagine a large building covered in years of built-up dirt and grime. if you just splash a bit water on it, it likely won’t be spotless… however if you use a pressure washer and apply it for a longer time, slowly the dirt will remove. The longer you apply the water, the cleaner it will get. Same concept here, the cleansing happens gradually. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ RULES Follow these rules please, failure to do so will result in removal from my free chat. • Absolutely no free questions in free chat. I can’t help you unless we are in private chat. • No “Test questions” in free chat. You either believe in my abilities, and want a reading, or you don’t. • No drama, rude behavior or rude language. This is where I work and I prefer to keep it professional. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Thank you for reading, if you have any more questions about my services, please let me know in free chat. I look forward to speaking with you and helping you with whatever it is that you’re going through. - Sincerely, John, AKA InstaPsychic
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